

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


It is my intention today to be in graditute and kindness.  Last night was rough - I'm not sure how to deal with my feelings towards Zac - I feel very betrayed by him, I know that was not his intention - it's his addiction that does this to him, makes him do what he does.  I am working to not take it personally or to judge - that's really hard.  I now forgive him for what he did, doesn't make it ok but I cannot carry this anger around anymore.  I'm sorry to him that I've carried the anger.
I am grateful that Dan is starting his new job today.  I am grateful that he is ok for today.  I am grateful that Joans is ok and that John is ok.  I am grateful they love me and I love them.  I feel love today and it swells my heart.

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