

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hi all -
I am writing this blog to you and the Universe to let everyone know that I am grateful - for breathing, for living, for loving, for everything in my life.  I know that everything is in Divine and perfect order right now!  Doesn't mean that everything in life is rosy and beautiful - I have several things that are pretty ugly on my plate right now.  But - I know they are necessary, know that I don't have to put pink paint on them to try and make them look nice when they are not.  Still, I am grateful for my love, my body, my world as it is right now.  I see myself at the end of the situations with what I want to happen happening.
I realize that we all spend so much time saying if only _____ would happen/show up/whatever I would be happy.  The key is to be happy RIGHT NOW!  I am happy RIGHT NOW! 

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