

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Grateful Wednesday!

Ok - so I've been a little further down that I'd like to be in the past few days - Steph's birthday was Saturday and I see Daniel going through such pain - I have had to forgive her about a dozen times a day in the last four days - I am determined to keep doing that until it stops hurting and I feel a peace in my heart when I think of her - I do have moments now that I feel like that so I am hopeful it won't be too much longer. 
As I tend to do I get into a funk when it comes to the financial stuff that is going on - along with Joni's health, etc.  I bought a deck of Goddess Guidance cards several months ago and carry them with me each day - some days I remember to pull a card for the day, asking what I need to know, who is with me on that particular day.  This morning as I was shuffling the deck a card "jumped" out and landed face down on the floor - taking this as a "sign" that this was my card today (duh!) I picked it up and turned it over.  Amazingly (or not lol) my card today is the Goddess Lakshmi - saying "Bright Future" - "Stop worrying, everything is going to be fine" - I laughed to myself and said thank you to Lakshmi for coming to me - I opened the book that explains the cards more and read the entry - one sentence jumped out at me - "let go of any "bag-lady" fears about your future" - omg - I cried - I have been thinking those exact fears strongly over the past couple days - trying to resolve them and not keep them but nonetheless thinking them.  Well - here's my neon sign today to chill!  As I stare at the card on my desk today I am thankful, grateful and my heart overflows with the love I feel coming all around me.  Thank you powerful Goddess Lakshmi - thank you for being here with me today and reminding me that there are no worries - all is well with my soul and my world this minute and will continue to be!  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Please help me to help someone find themselves today!

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